Nazlie Parast, RN, CDE, BScN, MScN, EdD
Ottawa, ON
Clinical Manager, Prevention and Wellness Centre and Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Canadian Certified Diabetes Nurse Educator
Community Diabetes Education Program of Ottawa
Ottawa, ON
CWHHA Member since 2021
Dr. Nazli Parast is the Clinical Manager of the Prevention and Wellness Centre and Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre at the Univeristy of Ottawa Heart Institute. She is certified diabetes educator with extended background in cardiology and research. She obtained her doctorate degree in Education with focus on diabetes health literacy and education. She has been Diabetes and Heart Failure Clinical Consultant providing support to physicians, nurses and other health care providers. Her research interest is in improving healthcare providers’ knowledge and assessment of women’s heart health as well as improving diabetes management in women with respect to hormonal changes during their lifespan.