Executive Steering Committee


The Executive Steering Committee guides program and project teams to ensure that all activities are aligned with the common mission, vision and guiding principles of the CWHHA. 

Dr. Kerri-Anne Mullen

Interim Chair and Healthcare Professional Co-Chair, Research and Knowledge Generation

Kerri-Anne Mullen, PhD, MSc

Director, Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre and Prevention and Wellness Centre
Division of Cardiac Prevention and Rehabilitation
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Ottawa, ON | @mullenkerri

Jennifer Monaghan

Patient Advocate Co-Chair, Research and Knowledge Generation

Jennifer Monaghan, LLB, BA
Person with Lived Experience
Kelowna, BC
Catherine Boudreau

Patient Advocate Co-Chair, Knowledge Translation and Mobilization

Catherine Boudreau, RN, MScN

Person with Lived Experience
North Bay, ON

Dr. Shahin Jaffer

Healthcare Professional Co-Chair, Knowledge Translation and Mobilization 

Shahin Jaffer, MD, MHSc, FRCPC
Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Division of Community General Internal Medicine
Internal Medicine Consultant
Vancouver, BC
Denise Johnson

Patient Advocate Co-Chair, Training and Education 

Denise Johnson
Education Consultant
Retired Director of Instruction, Vancouver School Board
Woman@Heart Peer Support Group Leader/ Facilitator
Vancouver, BC | @dljohnsoncalif
Jennifer Monaghan

Healthcare Professional Co-Chair, Training and Education 

Carolyn Baer, MD, FRCPC
General Internist
Assistant Professor, Dalhousie University
Moncton, NB | @drcbaer
Nicole Nickerson

Patient Advocate Co-Chair, Advocacy 

Nicole Nickerson

Person with Lived Experience
Middle Lehave, NS | @NicoleNickers11

Dr. Judy Luu

Healthcare Professional Co-Chair, Advocacy

Judy Luu, MD/PhD, FRCPC

Women’s Heart Health Cardiologist
Assistant Professor, McGill University
Director of Research, Courtois CMR Program
Montreal, QC | @JudyMLuu

Charlotte Girard

Patient Advocate Co-Chair, Health Systems and Policy

Charlotte Girard

Person with Lived Experience
Otterburn Park, QC


Dr. Jodi Edwards

Healthcare Professional Co-Chair, Health Systems and Policy

Jodi Edwards, PhD

Scientist and Director, Brain and Heart Nexus Research Program
Co-Director, UOHI Population Outcomes Research Unit, University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Adjunct Scientist, ICES
Assistant Professor, School of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Ottawa
Ottawa, ON | @brainheartnexus


Trainee Co-Representative

Laurie-Anne Boivin-Proulx, MD, MSC

Adult Interventional Cardiology Fellow
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Ottawa, ON | @ProulxBoivin_LA

 Maria Agustina Lopez Laporte

Trainee Co-Representative

Maria Agustina Lopez Laporte, MD
Resident, Adult Cardiology
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Ottawa, ON | @drmlopezlaporte



The purpose of the Secretariat is to facilitate the growth and development of the CWHHA and to support the promotion, collaboration, dissemination, and implementation of best practices regarding women’s heart health across Canada. 

The Secretariat is a convening body that provides operational, communications, and project management support and facilitates knowledge brokering membership engagement, and stakeholder coordination. The Secretariat is housed at the Canada Women’s Heart Health Centre at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute.

Lisa Comber


Lisa Comber, KTPC, BA

Ottawa, ON | @comberlisa

Melissa Core-Gunn


Melissa Core-Gunn, BSc, DIPM

Ottawa, ON | @melissacoregunn

Kelsey Bolger

Project Assistant

Kelsey Bolger, BHSc

Ottawa, ON | @Kelsey_Bolger90