Peer Support Programs |
Cardiac Rehab Programs |
Women's Heart Clinics
DISCLAIMER: This directory is meant to connect women with cardiovascular disease to available programming. While we have applied review criteria when adding these programs and resources, how you choose to use these programs and resources will be at your own discretion.
The Canadian Women’s Cardiovascular Rehabilitation Directory intends to increase awareness and establish connections for women living with cardiovascular disease to a chronic care program that meets their needs.
We hope you will be automatically referred to a CR program. Discuss your referral to a CR program prior to your discharge. Be sure to follow up by communicating directly with your local CR program if you have not heard from them about your first appointment within a few weeks.
CR Programs included on this directory have been selected based on the following criteria:
People identify and learn to manage their cardiac risk factors, improve their quality of life and fitness, and learn more information to successfully recover from a heart procedure or surgery.
The purpose of the CR Directory is to connect women with the CR programming that is right for them.
Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) is an outpatient health and wellness program to support people following heart diagnoses (e.g., heart attack, heart failure, rhythm and valve issues) and procedures (e.g., stents, heart bypass and valve surgery).
People are provided with education and coaching support to optimize their:
This support may be offered virtually (online or telephone) or in-person, and may be conducted individually (one-on-one), in a group, or a combination of both.
- Christina Stuwe, triple bypass, heart thriver, Calgary, AB
CR programs are delivered by a team of experts to support you in your recovery which can include physicians, nurses, dietitians, exercise specialists and mental health care providers.
You will complete an initial assessment with the team and will then be involved in the development of a personalized, comprehensive program that can include the following components:
Programs can vary in duration and frequency, with most programs offering weekly classes lasting 3-6 months.
Contact a local CR program near you for more details on how to join a program today.
Renee Buczel, a person with lived experience, presents her experience attending CR from Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario. Prof. Sherry Grace, a leading expert in CR from York University and the University Health Network in Toronto, discusses the importance of women participating in CR.
Looking for a CR program that is right for you:
Currently participating in a CR program: